They are easy to follow and in fact save you time and money because shop standards reduce product waste and shop downtime. What is most important to your success is starting with a good, well saturated art file then following the sound pre-press and press guidelines. Others may need some assistance understanding procedures they are unfamiliar with and we are here to help. From job one many users will be sold on its ease of use and top-quality reproduction. Running Spot Process Separation Studio and achieving outstanding results is very simple and every shop can enjoy the fruits of our labor and experience. Output the seps, go to press and expect great results! Match the on-screen Spot Process seps to your original file by using the built-in, targeted, editing and color enhancement tools. YES! Open your art file (supports various file formats) and in just seconds Spot Process Separation Studio delivers screen-print friendly, color separated channels. Screen printing complete shop with automatic machine.Screen printing packages with manual machines.
Solvent Based Screen Printing Inks for special application.